Allopathic Medicine Food and Supplements General


December 12, 2024

I want to come back to inflammation. It is what cripples and kills our kids. It is where hospitals take a ‘wait and see’ attitude. Nothing was done for Robert to control swelling during the critical first three days after injury.

We recommend hypothermia, fish oil and various conventional supplements (Vit C/D/E and CBD) be used in hospital until HBOT can be obtained. I recently had the opportunity to query a doctor that I trust very much as to what he would recommend, if he could recommend anything. NAC or N-Acetylcysteine was his first suggestion based on research from using NAC to treat inflammation associated with COVID. His second recommendation was ProImmune 200 (glutathione). He knows of a case where ProImmune was used to treat a drowned child with good success.

We have no direct experience with either of these substances for early drowning intervention and we have no relationship with the makers of ProImmune. This information is offered only as a suggestion for further research. Both are over the counter supplements and can be dosed through a feeding tube.

If you have any experience, we would love to hear of it so we can share it here. Please e-mail me at

We are also researching Methylene Blue and DMSO (Dimethylsulfoxide) both of which have a strong body of literature supporting their use for controlling inflammation and, more specifically, for treating reperfusion injury. These are both prescription drugs that have FDA* approved uses and can be used off-label to treat brain injury from drowning. (* – The US Food and Drug Administration. The government bureaucracy tasked with evaluating drug safety and efficacy testing.)

If you have any experience using either of these agents to treat reperfusion injury, please e-mail me at