General | laser | Therapy

Functional Neurology

I am using the Functional Neurology title to cover all of the chiropractic intervention Robert has received, though some of his practitioners may not embrace the term. My other possible title for this post was M.D. versus D.C. While we have interacted with some great M.D.’s during Robert’s journey, we also encountered a majority who […]

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General | laser | Therapy

Laser Light Therapy

I am adding this as a standalone post since so many people have asked what is being done in Robert’s therapy post on facebook. There will be another post on Functional Neurology following. Laser Light Therapy is only a small part of what is being done for Robert in these videos. The laser introduces […]

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General | Therapy


Restoring a drowned child is a marathon not a sprint. In our drive to help our kiddos heal, it is critical to remember that healing consumes a large amount of energy. These kiddos need love, good nutrition and lots of rest. The body can only do what the brain is ready to do. The brain […]

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General | Therapy


Anat Baniel Method Our therapy journey began in New Orleans after Robert’s discharge from the hospital and our arrival at Harch Hyperbarics. Conventional speech/physical/occupational therapy were unavailable to us as ‘new patients’ with the average waiting time for a first appointment being five months. We were introduced to Andy Chrestman and the Anat Baniel Method […]

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