

August 16, 2019

There is no hope without Jesus Christ.

For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God. – 1 Cor 1:18

God made Robert’s body and God has the power to restore it. Whether he uses Dr. Harch and HBOT, MNRI or a miracle; God is in control. No matter the outcome, God will be glorified.

It is our belief that we have no authority to abandon Robert. We are to fight for his life until God calls him home. This gave us the strength to resist when the experts all told us that Robert was ‘gone’ and that we should consider his future quality of life and ‘let him pass.’ In the 37 days we were in the hospital, and in the months since, we have watched too many parents succumb to expert opinion and abandon their children.

I look back at the photos of Robert in the hospital, comatose, his back bent, and I am terrified. I remember trying to sleep at night, listening to his body creek and grind – muscle and bone under that much stress makes noise. Robert moaned and grunted as he fought to stay with us. It was, in hindsight, horrifying and yet I awoke every morning optimistic for what that day might bring. I never once felt that I should or could abandon Robert. It was a supernatural optimism. I thank God for his strength through those dark days and for giving us the hope that life brings.

I also thank God for his community. From church families we’d known through the years to complete strangers who showed up at the hospital to share their knowledge, love or gifts of practical items. We cannot do this alone and as some of our original supporting friends have tired, or returned to their families after months of selfless sacrifice, new friends have emerged to fill the gap and support our family. This is Christ’s church in action. May he be glorified.

While I hope that you never have to experience what we have, I do hope that you will seek out the God of The Bible and his son Jesus Christ.

But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. – Heb 11:6