Allopathic Medicine | HBOT | Uncategorized

A Response to Reddit

It has come to my attention that Robert (R) and this website have become topics of discussion on a closed Reddit group. Since it is a closed group, I will respond to the concerns expressed within the group here. This is an area of serious discourse and parents should have all available information when making […]

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Allopathic Medicine | General | HBOT


I recently had a parent ask about storming. In answering her, I realized that I don’t think I’ve ever addressed the topic as a standalone subject. I’ve edited my reply to her here. Storming is the brain sending out ‘noise’ and seems to increase with aggravation and pain.  So the first guidance is to be […]

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This is an update on some interesting aspects of Robert’s recovery and a caution to parents and medical personnel about what you say when you are around these ‘comatose’ kids. In short, they hear and remember everything. Earlier this year, after a therapy session with a family friend, Robert drew that friend to the sofa, […]

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Organ Donation

I have delayed writing this for a long time because I had questions I couldn’t answer.  I now have answers and they aren’t comforting. Shortly after Robert was revived and moved to the PICU we met the LifeGift vultures.  They came into the room several times a day encouraging organ donation with all sorts of […]

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General | laser | Therapy

Functional Neurology

I am using the Functional Neurology title to cover all of the chiropractic intervention Robert has received, though some of his practitioners may not embrace the term. My other possible title for this post was M.D. versus D.C. While we have interacted with some great M.D.’s during Robert’s journey, we also encountered a majority who […]

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General | laser | Therapy

Laser Light Therapy

I am adding this as a standalone post since so many people have asked what is being done in Robert’s therapy post on facebook. There will be another post on Functional Neurology following. Laser Light Therapy is only a small part of what is being done for Robert in these videos. The laser introduces […]

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Allopathic Medicine | General


This is probably going to be another rant. While I don’t know the statement to be entirely true, my other possible title was, “Tone never killed anybody.” We have seen multiple children that were weaned be put back on drugs to, ‘help with the tone.’ Like a slow poison, we watch these kids break down […]

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General | HBOT

The Hyperbaric Institute Drowned Childrens’ Project

THIS FUNDRAISER HAS ENDED AND THE WORK IS UNDERWAY. The Drowned Childrens’ Project is an initiative of Will and Beverly Boytim and Dr. Paul Harch to advance the application of hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) to acutely drowned children.  The foundation of this project was the Boytim’s inability to obtain HBOT for their acutely drowned son, […]

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General | Video

He’ll Never . . .

For those who told us Robert would never wake up, talk, walk . . . So this has been the worst kept secret. Robert has been walking since February but last Thursday (6 May 2021) he made his grand debut and walked down the aisle at his sister’s wedding. AND, Robert is not an anomaly! […]

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General | Video

Encouragement, Correction and Rebuke

Let me introduce you to Honzik, a drowned baby living in the Czech Republic. In the video below you can see Honzik storming and beginning to develop the backwards C-Shape that Robert also developed and suffered with for 27+ days. Honzik’s family found Robert’s story and reached out to us. We provided them with the […]

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