THIS FUNDRAISER HAS ENDED AND THE WORK IS UNDERWAY. The Drowned Childrens’ Project is an initiative of Will and Beverly Boytim and Dr. Paul Harch to advance the application of hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) to acutely drowned children. The foundation of this project was the Boytim’s inability to obtain HBOT for their acutely drowned son, […]
Category: General
For those who told us Robert would never wake up, talk, walk . . . So this has been the worst kept secret. Robert has been walking since February but last Thursday (6 May 2021) he made his grand debut and walked down the aisle at his sister’s wedding. AND, Robert is not an anomaly! […]
Let me introduce you to Honzik, a drowned baby living in the Czech Republic. In the video below you can see Honzik storming and beginning to develop the backwards C-Shape that Robert also developed and suffered with for 27+ days. Honzik’s family found Robert’s story and reached out to us. We provided them with the […]
Here is a video presentation we did for our local Right to Life Group. This same group has taken up Denial of Care issues, similar to what we experienced during Robert’s days in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit. We have found the Right to Life community to be very supportive in many ways, including fighting […]
Robert’s journey is about preserving and improving life. One should never have to take an innocent life to preserve or improve the life of another. We will never use embryonic stem cells and refuse to have Robert used as an ‘endorsement’ for them. Robert has only been treated with ‘adult’ stem cells, most of which […]
In a ‘friend of a friend’ type situation we were made aware of the work of Dr. Lewis K. Clark and his supplement Neupanex. Neupanex is referred to as the first intracranial helmet for the brain and supports protection and healing of the brain after severe insult. Dr. Clark practices in Webster, TX, a suburb […]
Anat Baniel Method Our therapy journey began in New Orleans after Robert’s discharge from the hospital and our arrival at Harch Hyperbarics. Conventional speech/physical/occupational therapy were unavailable to us as ‘new patients’ with the average waiting time for a first appointment being five months. We were introduced to Andy Chrestman and the Anat Baniel Method […]
We have used and continue to use essential oils in ministering to Robert. Before we discuss the specific oils used and why, it is important that the reader understand that essential oils run the gamut in quality and efficacy. Essential oils are not regulated and so must be purchased from a reputable supplier. Poor quality […]
This is really more of a general rant. We live in a society that is fat averse. Low fat diets are encouraged, even for children. When we do eat fat, we eat ‘cheap’ hydrogenated fat that is toxic to the human body. Soy, corn and canola oils are no better. We use hand sanitizer that […]
Following is the body of a letter sent to Dr. Harch describing our experience with ‘short cycle’ HBOT and its effect on stem cell therapy. There are open questions about the therapeutic benefit from higher numbers of stem cells but the raw numbers are interesting. I have edited the original letter for clarity and brevity. […]